Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy 2009!

In the same way that you never feel older or different on your birthday than you did the day before, I started 2009 feeling as if it were no different than 2008.

Eleven days into the new year, I realize that this year is going to be different and better because I learned a lot in 2008. I've gone through interns, assistants, a couple of moves, tried some new things that worked, and a lot that didn't.

As the new year finally sinks in, I reflect on the reasons why I started For Richer or Poorer and why I love it so much.

1. I can't stand to work for anyone else.
(I like to think that this is because I'm wildly independent, but it probably has more to do with the fact that I'm a perfectionist.)

2. I love a challenge.

I'm working in an industry that is primarily run by men. It's often a fight to get my foot in the door. And even when I do, I have to constantly prove that I belong. Making my clients happy despite these hurdles keeps me driven and lets me know I'm doing something worthwhile.

3. I love that my business is so different.

Go to another jewelry store. Go to 47th street. You're likely to see a suited middle aged man standing behind a counter ready to tell you anything to make you feel a little stupid, just enough as to not offend, but enough to convince you that what they're feeding you is true.

When you come see me, you get to sit down in the beautiful restored GreenDesk building in DUMBO and get treated with respect regardless of how much you can afford to spend. You get honest answers. You get someone that is finding the best diamond for you.

Mistakes and all we've done well in 2008, so 2009 here we come. See for yourself :

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